
This research paper addresses how to enhance analysis and evaluation skills in physics lessons using practical or lab work. Analysis and evaluation skills are very important for high school science students that can lead to developing critical thinking also, especially where English is a third-level language. Practicality plays a very important role in understanding complex and confusing topics, so integrating physics lessons with teaching practical work can improve a significant level of understanding. We have researched and analyzed data after applying for practical work in regular lessons and conclusions based on three factors, (a) performance on term-end examinations (b) Attitude towards physics/science (c) Awareness, and more enrolment in physics in grade 12. We have used the Form Two Students Attitude Questionnaire, and FTSAQ to get data to justify the research question. The study was performed on students in grade -11(NIS, Chem, and Bio, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Respondents were divided into two groups: (1) the Control group and (2) the Experimental Group. Control groups were taught in term 3 with all possible teaching methodologies (interactive lesson, Assessment, Inquiry-based learning) except practical work but in other groups practical work was included to analyze the effectiveness of integration. Results are exactly as assumed; a group with the integration of practical work was high in results, attitude towards physics and more interesting subject with less confusion and more problem-solving skills. Approach to solving problems and connecting concepts with real-life is increased significantly.

  • Practical work,
  • problem-solving skills,
  • attitude towards science,
  • FTSAQ,
  • observing skills,
  • science process skills,
  • integration lesson with lab work
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How to Cite

SINGH, D. C. P. S., NURZHAN, D. S. ., ABYLAY, D. T. ., Dr. AN IGOR, & BAISEYIT5, D. O. . (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION SKILLS IN A PHYSICS TEACHING THROUGH PRACTICAL WORK. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 5(06), 19–33.

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