The Impact of Globalization on International Air Transport


Air transportation is a major industry that also provides important inputs to global economic, political, and social processes. The demand for its services, as with most transport, is a derived one that is driven by the needs and desires to attain some other, final objective. The analysis here is focused on the multi-dimensional and dynamic nature of globalization and focuses on one small sector which is international commercial aviation. Another objective of the present research is to study the implications of globalization for this sector. It has been observed that lack of air transport, as with any other input into the economic system, can impede efficient growth likewise inappropriateness or excesses in supply are also wasteful.

  • Globalization,
  • Transportation,
  • Aviation,
  • Waste Management
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How to Cite

ANITA, & JAIN, K. A. . (2022). The Impact of Globalization on International Air Transport. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 5(12), 01–13.

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