
This study evaluated the relationship between communications, job knowledge, problem-solving, and decision-making on employees' performance in manufacturing firms in Penang, Malaysia. A sample size of 222 respondents was taken from 28 electrical manufacturing firms with a 6322 population and 361 samples to examine the relationship. A questionnaire was designed for data collection to measure communication, job knowledge, problem-solving, and decision-making on employees' performance in manufacturing firms. A stratified sampling method was used, and the data was analyzed using SmartPls 3.7.8. The study showed that communication, job knowledge, problem-solving, and decision-making have a significant relationship with employees' performance in manufacturing firms. However, the limitation of this study only covers electrical manufacturing firms. Suggested for future study focus on electronic, plastic, and fabricated manufacturing firms to be more effective in improving manufacturing firms' supervisor competencies.

  • Supervisor Competencies,
  • Communication,
  • Job Knowledge,
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making,
  • Employees’ Performance
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AMIN, B. M. (2018). THE EFFECT OF SUPERVISOR COMPETENCIES ON EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE IN PENANG MANUFACTURING FIRMS, MALAYSIA. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 1(03), 11.

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