
The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for 2 years without showing definite signs of when this pandemic will end. WHO has declared the world to face the worst possible countries and prepare for a new life order as a "new normal." This new order of life requires people to live with the Covid-19 pandemic. The concept of a new life or new normal is actually a new concept. Long before the Covid-19 Pandemic this concept was related to health resilience. The concept of health resilience has a broader meaning, not only for humans who have to adapt to new habits, but also the concept of health resilience that makes humans capable and have the capacity to survive the Covid-19 Pandemic, the ability and even recovering from adversity due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, adapting new habits (new normal) to negative events, serious threats, and dangers from the Covid-19 Pandemic, all of which are aimed at strengthening human health. WHO in the framework of the SDGs 2030 has reminded the importance of creating a resilient community so that human health becomes better and stronger. Based on the literature review, this article aims to explain the conceptual framework for developing health resilience in communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Covid-19,
  • Health Resilience,
  • Community Health Resilience,
  • Developing Health Resilience,
  • Policy Implication
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Ikhlas Rasido, Andi Zulkifli, Veny Hadju, Indar, Abdullah Naser, Wa Ode Nova Noviyanti, Abd. Farid Lewa, Arwan Arwan, Muhammad Rizki Ashari, Muhammad Sabri Syahrir, & Miftahul Haerati. (2023). DEVELOPING HEALTH RESILIENCE IN COMMUNITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 6(02), 01–17.

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