
Numerous studies have been done on the different methods that traditional networks employ to offer QoS. Most of these are just theoretical inquiries that haven't been significantly scaled up for the Internet. One of the contributing elements may be that the proprietary protocols that the providers put in the network equipment are, for the most part, unchangeable and cannot be modified by end users. Because networking device makers want to keep their technological implementations concealed behind closed doors rather than share them with the public, programming networks is often challenging. This reduces the network's flexibility and makes controlling it more challenging. The actions of the network administrators cannot be changed in any way to fulfill the requirements of the end applications.

  • Mechanisms,
  • Network,
  • network equipment
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How to Cite

Akhilesh Kumar. (2020). SYSTEM-WIDE ROUTING BASED MECHANISMS FOR ALLOCATING SERVICE QUALITY TO SPECIFIC NETWORK FLOWS. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 3(11), 01–13. Retrieved from

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